How to identify and analyse effectively – top marks in Section A, English Language!

The purpose of the Question 1 and 2 of Section A English Language is to test two top skills:

  1. To identify information
  2. To analyse techniques

In order for you to demonstrate high quality performance in each skill, you must know when each skill is tested… 

  • Question 1: 
    • SKILL: You identify information by listing/marking true four facts from a text.
  • Question 2 and 3: 
    • SKILL: You analyse techniques as you explore how the writer uses language or structural techniques (e.g. paragraphs, topic shift, emotive language) to create a certain mood, meaning or effect.SKILL: You compare and contrast as you consider how two writers present the same idea in different ways.

So, now you just need to what know each skill requires of you!

How do identify information: Question 1

E.g. List four facts about the weather in Cornwall.

  1. Highlight/underline information about the weather in Cornwall.
    • What is the weather?
    • Does it change?
    • What effect does it have on others?
  2. For Paper 1: In your own words, write down what you learn about the weather.
  3. For Paper 2: Match the statements that most closely link to the information in the text.


How to analyse techniques: Question 2  (Paper 1)

E.g. How does the writer use language to describe the effects of the weather.

  1. What is your impression of the weather?
    • What makes you  think this?
      • Its abuses people as the “rain thrashed”.
  2. Highlight/underline only words, phrases or sentences that influenced your opinion (max 4)
  3. Break apart the “words”: What do you notice about the techniques?
    • Is the weather personified? (Thrashed, swayed)
    • Are its surroundings described with emotive language? (The house cried as the winds howled).
    • Do you notice any similes, metaphors or imagery? (Like a roaring lion, savaging its prey, the terrorising rain tore into every street – simile, animal imagery)
    • Is anything hyperbolic/exaggerated? (The whipping wind forced through the… – also alliteration)
    • Are any words repeated? (The ice cracked, growled, roared and howled)
    • Does a short snappy sentence surprise you? (Out of nowhere, merciless winds stabbed into the land)
    • How far does a long sentence generate a sense of endlessness, making you feel breathless like the weather is attacking you? (In their petty pace to dusty death, each foot forward became a leap backwards as the pounding gusts of bullying wind ruthlessly thrashed each poor soul into the ground.


How to analyse techniques: Question 3  (Paper 1)

E.g. How does the writer use structure to describe the effects of the weather.

  1. What is your impression of the weather?
    • e.g. abusive, caring, serene, atrocious
  2. Highlight/underline only structural devices that influenced your opinion (max 4)
    • Contrasting to the beginning, nature uses its beauty to lure humans into dangerous situations, which are filled with “darkness”.
  3.  Break apart the “structure”: 
    • Does the writer shift from the inside to the wider outside world (or vice versa)
    • Are external thoughts linked to internal thoughts (e.g. an individual’s knowledge or flashback reminds them of information that influences their subsequent actions)
    • Is there any switching of different points of view?
    • Do you notice a sudden or gradual introduction of new characters at significant points?
    • Does the writer zoom in from something big to something much smaller (or vice versa)
    • Is there a shift in time or place? (paragraphs)

PRACTICE identifying and analysing texts yourself!



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